It's funny how life is. Some people leave this earth without ever making a sound, while others make thunder. Their impact derived from how they lived their lives while they were here. That determines how loud the noise is when they depart.
The artist known as Prince, was one of those magnificent souls, who gave you a lightening show while he was here, so naturally when he left, he left with a BANG! He was a very important soul in my life and I'm grateful that he lived and loved music/writing as much as he did. It's been truly hard to let go. So, I wrote this, in hopes to help me move on:
It's only been a little while since you left, but it already feels way too long. I haven't had the words to express my sadness, but even if I did, they would pale in compassion to the light that shined so brightly in all that you were. We all mourn in our own way, and take from a life something to carry forward in our own. From yours I take with me many, many lessons: To always believe in God, putting him first in thanks of my gifts and talents, to write every single day, no matter how loud or crazy my thoughts and melodies are, to always be humble and give of myself quietly, to be unmistakably raw, flamboyant and alive in all that I do, and no matter what, to be un-apologetically me- always!
Thank-you, for the incredible life you lived. Thank-you, for the beautiful, hot, sexy and flavorful music you wrote. Thank-you for the incredible musician you were, and for never wavering in your ideals, beliefs and thoughts of how a life is meant to be lived - Upfront and In Colour!
I will love you, always, until the day I leave this earth. Maybe someday, we can play guitar, tickle piano keys and sing together in our own after-world jam session. For the rest of this life (as you once said) "I'm on my own" and dammit, do I plan to get real crazy!!! Sleep tight, and electrify the heavens, as only you can, my dearest Prince. Until then, beautiful one...
R. I. P.