I was up rather early this morning, listening to the radio, when I heard the morning show announcers begin their rants on a recent photo taken of "Kelly Clarkson" and her progressing weight problem.
I cannot even put into words how enraged I became over the entire topic of conversation. Not that there is anything "new or strange" about it. In fact it has sadly become a "norm" of conversation in today's society. As always the comments and laughter was insensitive and cruel.
As a woman I feel for her in every way. Since the moment she stepped out into the lime light, she has been a target. I'm afraid that one day she will just shy away from her career simply because the world has become so incredibly asinine in their perceptions of beauty. She is an incredibly talented woman, whom I believe has blessed her nation with such a voice and style of music. Yet, no one seems to comment about that much anymore.
Another observation I had was the fact that it is mainly the "women" who are targeted with this kind of negative talk. Not to say that men haven't been the "butt" of these kinds of jokes before, but society tends to zero in on the female gender on a more regular basis when it comes to talking about weight issues. So why is it socially acceptable for a man to be "putting on the pounds" and not a woman? When it comes to health both genders are equally at risk of the same life threats if their weight is not controlled, so why single "the gals" out on a continual basis? The "eye candy" ratios must be in check at all times I suppose.
It truly saddens me that when it comes to people in a general sense we still cannot seem to make any kind of relevant conversation about a person as a human being. Are we forever to remain a society of childish mockery? Our worth mainly measured by the way we look and how others perceive that look? It truly boggles my mind. I understand that we are a "visual species" but come on folks...get over it already!!! Are we not capable of engaging in some form of stimulating conversation that does not revolve around the size of a woman's butt or the receding hair line of a man? We must be more intelligent than that! Or, perhaps I am merely giving human beings too much credit.
What really scares me is the message it sends to all of the "young girls" growing up in the midst of this mess. The growing number of young woman with "body image issues" and eating disorders in the world today is astounding. The media is sending wrongful messages which will ultimately and inevitably destroy their self-esteem, self-worth and their bodies all in one fowl swoop. Yet, we sit here and do nothing. Sure we have "some" social awareness events pointing out how wrong it is to judge a book by it's cover, but yet every time these girls pick up a magazine, watch TV, pick up a CD cover or tune into their favourite music videos they are continuously bombarded with size zeros. Which in turn distorts their perception of what is "right" or "acceptable" in society and to men/women alike. After all, a man will only "like you" if you look like them...right? The real message we should ALL be getting is the fact that "our health" is a growing concern all over the world, not our looks. That being active and healthy in mind, body and soul (so that we may be able to enjoy a long and full life) is the essence of true appeal. It has nothing to do with the size of our breasts, lips and booty.
Women (as men) deserve to be seen for who they are, not for what they possess. If we are to be seen as a prize on someone's arm it should be because of our aurora in it's entirety. Our goodness, our strength and our intelligence. But we are the only ones who are in control of what others see in us. You and you alone are the only individual who can own the definition of who you are - SO OWN IT!!! If we portray shallowness than that is all that will ever be perceived of us.
In the words of PINK.... let us not be a bunch of "stupid girls" solely concerned about "our looks" but rather, let us portray a sense of elegance, self-respect and ambition so that our "mini Me's" can take notice and grow up to be proud of themselves in all shapes and sizes; instead of feeling socially unworthy.